Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I call him "Yammie"...

He's Yammie, the Candied Yam!

Randy took the camera with him to Albany, so these aren't the best pictures. The first was taken with the camera phone. In the second, I shoved Yammie in the scanner. He looks happier in the scanner. Anyway, more pictures coming soon. And I'll probably try another version in polar fleece. This one is in felt.

In related news, a few weeks ago I learned that I have about a one hour tolerance for crocheting with 100% wool yarn before I start getting itchy. Tonight I learned that working with wool/poly blend only gives me hairballs.

Speaking of learning things tonight...not only can I not make cookies well. I cannot manage cookie bars. I have a tupperware container full of chocolate chip glob. Tastes much better than it looks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the "Yammie." With all the kid's shows doing things with healthy eating you may have a great product to market! On another note, I guess you won't be baking any cookies for future class parties. Haha!